FPG Bellwether

February 2020

An exciting development has been the establishment of FPG-Bellwether Indonesia. This partnership is an exclusive arrangement for Indonesia and brings Bellwether’s expertise in real time retail data intelligence. The solution informs multiple business decisions, for example:

FPG Indonesia

February 2020

Indonesia is proving to be a significant market for FPG. So much so, that we recently establish a JV entity with our FPG business partner Setiawan Nurtjahja (front right) and now have a staff of 15 people. The team manage everything from importation to preventative maintenance and technical support.


J Vaughan

March, 2020

One of the risk management strategies FPG has consistently deployed is establishing dual, sometimes triple, supply arrangements of key components.

That strategy is currently paying off.

While the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak in China has significantly disrupted international supply chains and made-in-China manufacturers, it’s business as usual at FPG.
